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Ark Invest Continues Buying into Coinbase Despite Market Challenges

Ark Invest Continues Buying into Coinbase Despite Market Challenges

Ark Invest, led by Cathie Wood, has continued to invest in Coinbase despite recent market challenges.

In its latest trade filing, the firm added approximately $6.7 million worth of Coinbase shares to its Ark Innovation ETF and Ark Next Generation Internet funds.

This comes after purchasing over $15 million worth of shares in the past two days, despite the dwindling price and regulatory risks associated with the cryptocurrency exchange.

Shares in Coinbase closed at $56.40 on Monday, down 1.2%.

The exchange faces potential headwinds due to regulatory risk and a lack of retail investors returning to the platform.

READ MORE: Trader Warns Bitcoin Holders of Potential Reversal

Coinbase is set to release its Q4 earnings next week, which are expected to show a significant year-on-year decline in trading volumes and monthly transacting users.

Alexander Stefanov

Reporter at CoinsPress

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