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Binance Takes Action Against Fraudulent Accounts Following Megadrop Event

Binance Takes Action Against Fraudulent Accounts Following Megadrop Event

Binance has recently cracked down on a significant number of fraudulent accounts following a contentious Megadrop event involving Lista (LISTA) tokens.

The exchange took action against users who exploited multiple accounts to maximize their rewards and then consolidated the proceeds for resale.

This move reflects Binance’s commitment to maintaining platform integrity and ensuring genuine users are rewarded appropriately.

Over 102,000 accounts were flagged as fraudulent out of more than a million participants in the Megadrop, resulting in the freezing of assets and demands for refunds.

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Binance plans to reinvest recovered funds into project activities beneficial to legitimate users, emphasizing its zero-tolerance policy toward activities that undermine user trust and project integrity.

Alexander Stefanov

Reporter at CoinsPress

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