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“Black Swan” Author Nassim Taleb Reveals Federal Reserve’s Grave Policy Mistake

“Black Swan” Author Nassim Taleb Reveals Federal Reserve’s Grave Policy Mistake

Renowned economist and best-selling author Nassim Taleb argues that the Federal Reserve committed a grave error 15 years ago, which will now have repercussions for everyday Americans.

According to Taleb, a whole generation of traders has become dependent on zero interest rates as a result of the Fed’s loose monetary policy over the past decade and a half. This, in turn, has left them ill-prepared to operate in an environment with higher interest rates.

Taleb warns that there will be consequences as Americans are forced to grapple with the challenges associated with increased capital costs. He criticizes the Fed for panicking during the 2008 debt crisis and hastily reducing interest rates to zero.

In his view, such a drastic measure was unnecessary and made raising rates difficult. As a result, an entire generation of traders and financial participants lacks a true understanding of the significance of interest rates.

According to Taleb, the current situation ushers in a new era characterized by even higher debt levels than before.

He believes that the Federal Reserve’s primary role is to maintain price stability, and while monetary policy is designed to address short-term issues, it was inappropriately utilized as a substitute for implementing necessary structural reforms. He views this as a significant mistake that will inevitably lead to negative consequences.

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Taleb, who is known for his critical stance on cryptocurrencies, also highlights concerns about an overheated and potentially weakening real estate market. He suggests that the current economic reckoning he is warning about may be reflected in this particular market segment.

With real estate valuations exceeding a staggering one hundred trillion dollars and mortgage rates already reaching as high as 7% with an upward trend, Taleb believes that the startup business landscape has also shifted. Previously, startups would emphasize cash flow, but now they rely on selling future funding to other parties, a change that further contributes to the fragility of the overall structure.

Alexander Stefanov

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