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BlackRock Acquires Preqin to Boost Private Market Data Analytics

BlackRock Acquires Preqin to Boost Private Market Data Analytics

BlackRock's £2.55 billion acquisition of Preqin, slated to finalize by year-end, marks a significant move to bolster its capabilities in private market data analytics.

Founded two decades ago, Preqin has established itself as a key player in the private markets arena, providing critical data on 190,000 funds, 60,000 fund managers, and 30,000 investors worldwide.

Its platform supports a diverse range of users, including asset managers, insurers, pensions, wealth managers, banks, and other financial service providers.

In 2024, Preqin is projected to generate approximately $240 million in recurring revenue, reflecting a robust growth trend of around 20% annually over the past three years. This growth underscores Preqin’s ability to deliver essential insights and analytics that drive decision-making across the private markets landscape.

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By integrating Preqin’s comprehensive data and research tools into BlackRock’s Aladdin platform, the acquisition aims to enhance risk management capabilities and optimize investment workflows.

The combined strengths of Preqin and Aladdin will enable BlackRock to offer seamless integration of private markets investment processes, spanning from initial fundraising and deal sourcing to ongoing portfolio monitoring, accounting, and performance analysis.

This integration is expected to provide BlackRock with a competitive edge in navigating and maximizing opportunities within the private markets sector.

Alexander Stefanov

Reporter at CoinsPress

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