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BNB Chain Alerts About Risky dApps and Tokens

BNB Chain Alerts About Risky dApps and Tokens

Binance's blockchain, BNB Chain, has recently updated its red alarm list of high-risk projects and DApps hosted on the blockchain.

This list is updated every Friday and includes projects and dApps deemed risky based on smart contract assessment alone.

The latest update has added 191 new projects suspected of issuing fake tokens, having high or opaque tax fees, or having non-functional websites or Twitter handles.

BNB Chain has also provided a portal for users to scan any BNB Chain projects for risks.

While this is not investment advice and does not represent the risk level of the underlying dApp projects, it aims to help users in their research before making investment decisions.

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Additionally, BNB Chain has launched BNB Greenfield, an in-house solution for decentralized storage, allowing users to create wallets and manage data while developers have control over data assets.

Alexander Stefanov

Reporter at CoinsPress

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