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BRICS Expansion and India’s Concerns: Geopolitical and Economic Impact

BRICS Expansion and India’s Concerns: Geopolitical and Economic Impact

BRICS expanded its membership last year, welcoming the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Iran, and Ethiopia while Argentina declined and Saudi Arabia remains undecided.

However, India has expressed reservations about further expansions in 2024, concerned that the group’s cohesion and original spirit of equal partnership could be compromised.

Both Russia and China advocate for more countries to join BRICS, aiming to strengthen the alliance’s geopolitical influence vis-à-vis the US, Europe, and their allies. India, however, perceives this push as potentially undermining BRICS’ foundational principles, emphasizing the need for a cautious approach and allowing time for the group to integrate its new members.

Pakistan’s interest in joining BRICS, supported by Russia and China, has exacerbated tensions with India due to historical conflicts between the two nations. India views external support for Pakistan’s membership bid as destabilizing and counterproductive within the BRICS framework.

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Economically, the inclusion of new members could significantly boost BRICS’ collective GDP by an estimated $3.6 trillion, with Southeast Asian nations like ASEAN considered as potential future additions. ASEAN, comprising countries such as Malaysia and Thailand, has shown interest in joining BRICS to counterbalance Western-dominated institutions.

Amid these developments, Russia and Iran are advancing a new partnership agreement within BRICS, building on their strengthened bilateral ties since Iran’s accession to the alliance last year. Their efforts include initiatives to trade in local currencies rather than the US dollar, reflecting a broader geopolitical strategy to enhance their economic and strategic cooperation.

Alexander Stefanov

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