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BRICS: Uniting Nations, Redefining Global Influence

BRICS: Uniting Nations, Redefining Global Influence

The BRICS group (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) emerged as a community of nations aiming to assert their interests within the existing global order.

While the United States and Europe held significant influence, the BRICS sought inclusion rather than revolution. Over time, their modest revisionist aspirations have reshaped the international order, leading to more equitable global governance expectations.

Expansion ideas have surfaced, suggesting the inclusion of new heavyweight states. However, challenges lie ahead. Can the BRICS maintain internal unity amid growing global partnership challenges? Can they uphold their revisionist behavior within an order shaped primarily by the West and at their expense?

The BRICS’ role in shaping the global agenda has the potential to foster justice and stability. As Russia assumes the chairmanship in 2024, prioritizing this goal is crucial.

Unlike parasitic powers, the BRICS’ economic and political influence does not rely on exploiting others or waging wars for dominance. They seek to revise, not dismantle, the existing order.

However, the BRICS face obstacles. The experience of strong institutions and global governance is largely Western-centric, united by common values and interests.

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In contrast, the BRICS’ diverse civilizational foundations hinder the same level of internal discipline. Thus, the BRICS’ ability to shape the world agenda on par with the G7 countries is uncertain.

Maintaining unity and their revisionist nature is vital. The BRICS must provide innovative solutions to global development and security issues, surpassing political statements.

Preserving their nature aligns with their interests and those of the international community, avoiding a divided group and perpetuating the power of a few self-serving countries.

Alexander Stefanov

Reporter at CoinsPress

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