This move will impact traders engaged in derivatives trading for these assets. The exchange has advised users to close their[…]
In a post shared on his Telegram channel on November 28, Durov expressed his belief in the token’s potential, noting[…]
In a recent post, Zhao highlighted his increasing dissatisfaction with the memecoin trend, stating that what once started as humorous[…]
This growth highlights Solana’s expanding influence in the market. Solana-based memecoin platforms like Raydium and also hit record highs[…]
Additionally, there are two pending applications for mixed crypto ETFs that offer limited exposure to XRP, tied to other cryptocurrencies.[…]
Unlike traditional stablecoins, BFUSD is classified as a margin asset, with a reported annual percentage yield (APY) of 19.55%. The[…]
These include prominent tokens like Binance Coin (BNB), DYDX, Arweave (AR), and Liquity (LQTY), as well as several lesser-known ones,[…]
This comes as the possibility of a pro-crypto administration under Donald Trump grows, potentially paving the way for more crypto-friendly[…]
According to Cowen, this milestone holds psychological and strategic importance for many investors, making it a critical point for market[…]
The exchange recently announced support for PONKE (PONKE), a meme-inspired token, and Raydium (RAY), a decentralized finance protocol. PONKE, known[…]