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China Warns EU of Potential Trade War Over Electric Vehicle Tariffs

China Warns EU of Potential Trade War Over Electric Vehicle Tariffs

China, a member of the BRICS group, is now at odds with the European Union (EU) over potential trade conflicts, mirroring its recent challenges with the United States.

The EU’s imposition of tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles (EVs) has sparked criticism from Beijing, which views these measures as excessive and calls for subsidies instead.

In response to the EU’s tariff proposals, China has warned of the possibility of a trade war. The Chinese government, through its commerce ministry spokesperson, emphasized that any escalation in trade tensions would be solely the responsibility of the European side.

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This warning coincides with a visit by Germany’s Economy Minister to China, underlining the ongoing economic diplomacy between the two powers.

China, supported by its BRICS partners, is steadfast in its stance against perceived Western economic dominance. The ministry spokesperson reiterated China and BRICS’ resolve not to be intimidated by the EU’s trade policies, reflecting broader efforts to promote local currency use in international transactions and pressuring the EU to meet their trade demands.

Alexander Stefanov

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