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Coinbase Completes First AI-Managed Crypto Transaction

Coinbase Completes First AI-Managed Crypto Transaction

Coinbase has achieved a notable milestone by facilitating the first-ever cryptocurrency transaction overseen entirely by an artificial intelligence bot.

This development marks a significant step forward in integrating AI with blockchain technology.

The announcement reveals that, while traditional payment systems are beyond the reach of AI bots, they can now manage crypto wallets and execute transactions using USDC on the Base network.

Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong emphasized the significance of this advancement, stating that although AI bots cannot hold bank accounts, they are capable of utilizing crypto wallets for transactions involving humans, merchants, or other AI systems.

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Armstrong also pointed out the current limitations of AI technology, noting that even advanced AI systems struggle to perform useful tasks independently.

He mentioned that, despite progress with products like devin.ai, AI still faces challenges in acquiring and managing necessary resources.

Alexander Stefanov

Reporter at CoinsPress

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