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Coinbase Faces System Outage, Ensures User Funds Protected

Coinbase Faces System Outage, Ensures User Funds Protected

Reports flooded in regarding difficulties accessing the platform, prompting an immediate inquiry into the matter.

Acknowledging the ongoing system-wide outage, Coinbase moved swiftly to reassure its users that their assets remained secure despite the technical glitches. The exchange’s dedicated team is actively tackling the issue, striving to restore normal operations as quickly as possible.

Visitors attempting to log onto Coinbase’s website are met with a discouraging “503 Service Temporarily Unavailable” message, indicative of disruptions in the platform’s functionality.

This isn’t the first instance of technical turbulence for Coinbase. Back in March, the exchange encountered a similar setback, disrupting trading activities during peak periods.

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Among the reported issues are instances of inaccurate account balance displays, with some users seeing their balances erroneously listed as $0.

Despite the current challenges, Coinbase is steadfast in its commitment to protecting user assets and upholding the integrity of its platform.

Alexander Stefanov

Reporter at CoinsPress

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