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Crime and Investigations

Crypto Lending Protocol Faces Second Hack, Loses $3.7 Million in Flash Loan Attack

Crypto Lending Protocol Faces Second Hack, Loses $3.7 Million in Flash Loan Attack

UwU Lend suffered another hack today, losing $3.7 million according to blockchain security firms Beosin and Blocksec.

This marks the second attack this week via flash loans, both attributed to the same perpetrator. The stolen funds, converted into ETH, now reside in the attacker’s wallet address.

Earlier in the week on June 10, UwU Lend was first compromised, resulting in a $20 million loss. Beosin identified this initial incident as a flash loan exploit targeting the price oracles of sUSDe stablecoin on the platform.

READ MORE: Blockchain Protocol Loopring Announced a $5M Security Breach

Following the first attack, UwU Lend acknowledged the breach and issued updates, claiming to have resolved the security flaw specific to the sUSDe market oracle.

The lending protocol, founded by Michael Patryn, previously associated with QuadrigaCX exchange, has faced scrutiny for its security measures amidst these incidents.

Alexander Stefanov

Reporter at CoinsPress

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