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Kunden verabschieden sich von traditionellen Banken: 60 Milliarden Dollar werden in Q1 2023 abgezogen

Kunden verabschieden sich von traditionellen Banken: 60 Milliarden Dollar werden in Q1 2023 abgezogen

Drei große US-Banken haben erhebliche Abflüsse von Einlagen zu verzeichnen, da die Kunden nach höheren Renditen für ihre Ersparnisse suchen.

In the first quarter of 2023, nearly $60 billion in deposits were withdrawn from Charles Schwab, State Street and M&T . Charles Schwab saw the largest outflow, where depositors withdrew $41 billion in just three months.

State Street deposits fell 5%, while M&T Bank deposits fell 3%. The outflows are attributed to the low interest rate environment in traditional bank accounts, prompting depositors to seek higher-yielding investment opportunities such as money market funds or Treasury bills.

The current US average interest rate on savings accounts is 0.24% per annum, while short-dated Treasury bills are yielding over 5%. The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and other lending institutions further accelerated the cash drain from US banks.

Signature Bank also recently shut down after losing around $17.8 billion in deposits.

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The Financial Times reports that in addition to the low interest rate environment, the restrictive monetary policy of the Federal Reserve has also contributed to the outflow of deposits.

The Fed’s policy rate of 4.75% to 5% has prompted customers to dump their savings and look elsewhere for higher yielding opportunities.

The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and other lenders has accelerated cash outflows from US banks as customers seek safer alternatives for their deposits.

Alexander Zdravkov

Reporter at CoinsPress German

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