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Denmark Confirms No Ban on Bitcoin Wallets

Denmark Confirms No Ban on Bitcoin Wallets

Rumors circulating on social media have stirred up quite a bit of confusion, but rest assured, Denmark is not banning Bitcoin wallets.

Contrary to the buzz, the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority (DFSA) has confirmed there are no plans to prohibit self-custodial cryptocurrency wallets. Tobias Thygesen, the director of fintech, payment services, and governance at the DFSA, clarified that the regulator has no intentions to ban hardware wallets or any form of non-custodial wallets. Thygesen stated:

“We are aware of some misinformation circulating on social media suggesting that the DFSA intends to ban hardware wallets and other non-custodial wallets.”

This misunderstanding likely arose from a recent regulatory assessment related to Europe’s Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA) Regulation, which came into effect on June 30. The DFSA’s assessment, published on June 25, was intended to address challenges in regulating decentralized crypto asset services. However, some people misinterpreted its content, leading to false rumors about a wallet ban.

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The assessment outlined principles to help those in the crypto market understand when their services are considered fully decentralized. This distinction is crucial because completely decentralized offerings aren’t subject to MiCA regulation and thus don’t require a license.

New rules set to regulate Denmark’s crypto market, including both issuers and service providers, will come into play by the end of 2024. However, if a service is fully decentralized, it won’t be covered by these rules.

Thygesen emphasized the significance of these principles, which aim to help relevant actors determine whether their offerings can be classified as fully decentralized. This classification is more than just a technical detail; getting it wrong could mean providing services unlawfully.

Alexander Stefanov

Reporter at CoinsPress

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