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Early Bitcoin Miner Transfers 50 BTC After 14-Year Dormancy

Early Bitcoin Miner Transfers 50 BTC After 14-Year Dormancy

A Bitcoin wallet from the early Satoshi era, dated 2010, recently became active, sending 50 Bitcoin to Binance.

The wallet belongs to a BTC miner who earned 50 BTC in July 2010, when each BTC was valued at around $0.05, totaling just $2.5 at the time.

This miner successfully mined a block when Bitcoin’s network was less competitive.

Sending cryptocurrencies to centralized exchanges is often seen as a bearish sign, associated with selling.

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In recent times, several long-dormant Bitcoin wallets from the Satoshi era have shown activity, either transferring their BTC or selling on exchanges.

Originally, Bitcoin was designed by Satoshi Nakamoto to allow mining on personal computers, but mining has since evolved into large-scale operations with high competition and difficulty.

Alexander Stefanov

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