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Euro’s Response to ECB Rate Hike Raises Questions

Euro’s Response to ECB Rate Hike Raises Questions

The recent reaction in the euro currency to the ECB's interest rate hike provides insights into global investor sentiment.

The ECB raised deposit rates to a historic high of 4 percent. Deutsche Bank’s analysis highlights the exceptional nature of this rate hike cycle, equivalent to decades of tightening compared to the Bundesbank’s historical patterns.

While higher interest rates typically strengthen currencies, the euro didn’t follow this script. It dropped 0.8 percent against the dollar, reaching a three-month low at slightly above $1.06. This marked one of the euro’s weakest performances in 2023, with only five other days witnessing more significant declines. Even remarks by ECB President Christine Lagarde about the potential for further rate increases failed to reverse the trend.

Bas van Geffen, a senior macro strategist at Rabobank, commented, “It doesn’t make for great optics when a central bank tightens policy only to see its currency drop straight after the decision.”

Paul Donovan, chief economist at UBS Wealth Management, described the rate hike as a “burden,” as many current inflation drivers in the eurozone are not interest rate-sensitive.

Some believe another rate hike this year remains possible, but broader doubts persist. The euro’s weakness against the strong dollar highlights a gap in investor perceptions between the US and other regions. The term “funder,” typically reserved for low-interest currencies, now applies to the euro, reflecting its historically high rates amidst an era of low inflation.

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The euro’s decline also underscores diminishing confidence in Europe’s economic prospects. The region’s economic resilience that initially supported the currency has waned.

Kit Juckes, a macro strategist at Société Générale in London, emphasized that currency markets are not solely driven by monetary policy. However, rates often have a significant short to medium-term impact on exchange rates. Waiting for positive economic surprises in Europe carries risks, as the euro could easily drop below $1.05 if they don’t materialize soon.


Alexander Stefanov

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