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Crime and Investigations

Fake Phantom Wallet on Apple App Store Steals Users’ Funds

Fake Phantom Wallet on Apple App Store Steals Users’ Funds

A fake Phantom wallet app on the Apple App Store, developed by "Meta Voxify AI," is stealing users' funds.

This counterfeit app looks nearly identical to the genuine Phantom wallet but only allows importing existing wallets, a major red flag. Users entering their seed phrases inadvertently give access to scammers, resulting in significant financial losses.

App Store reviews are filled with warnings, labeling the app as a scam. Users report losing substantial amounts of money after downloading the fake Phantom wallet.

The genuine Phantom wallet, developed by Phantom Technologies Incorporated, supports multiple blockchains, including Solana, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Polygon. This makes verifying the developer’s name crucial for ensuring the app’s authenticity.

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To protect their assets, crypto users must be vigilant. They should verify the legitimacy of any crypto wallet before downloading it, always checking the developer’s name.

Reading reviews carefully for any warnings or negative feedback is essential. Users should rely on official links and download wallets only from verified sources. Import-only apps should be approached with caution, as legitimate wallets typically offer the option to create a new wallet, not just import existing ones.

If the fake wallet has been installed, it should be removed immediately, and wallet credentials should be changed to secure the funds.

Alexander Stefanov

Reporter at CoinsPress

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