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‘Great Depression-Style’ Crash in Near Future, Expert Predicts

‘Great Depression-Style’ Crash in Near Future, Expert Predicts

Charles Nenner, a former Goldman Sachs executive who worked as the head of market timing for over a decade, has recently changed his long-held belief that the US dollar will remain strong.

According to Nenner, the future of the American empire and the dollar is now uncertain, and the economy could suffer a “great depression-style” crash in the not-too-distant future.

According to Nenner, there is a significant threat to the USD by the BRICS countries that may be underestimated, and this may result in the formation of an alliance against the dollar.

Additionally, he cautions that the American empire may face potential risks such as a global war cycle, a commercial real estate crisis, and other systemic problems, leading to its decline.

Nenner suggests that the end of the dollar as the reserve currency is approaching and that Saudi Arabia’s decision to come on board with the anti-dollar alliance could accelerate the process.

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He states that the American empire is facing similar issues that have led to the downfall of other countries, such as bad education, outstanding loans, and people becoming too lazy to work hard.

To sum up, the potential instability of the US dollar and the American empire, as cautioned by Nenner, is a matter of apprehension.

Although it is arduous to anticipate the precise sequence of incidents, Nenner’s perspectives imply that substantial obstacles might be imminent.

Alexander Stefanov

Reporter at CoinsPress

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