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Is the American Middle Class Doomed? Robert Kiyosaki’s Shocking Prediction

Is the American Middle Class Doomed? Robert Kiyosaki’s Shocking Prediction

Robert Kiyosaki, the author of the best-selling book on personal finance, 'Rich Dad Poor Dad,' has voiced his concern over the impact of inflation and the government's shift towards green energy policies.

In an interview with Vlad TV on March 27, Kiyosaki issued a stark warning, suggesting that these factors could eliminate the American middle class.

The Crucial Role of Oil and Government Policies

Kiyosaki emphasized oil’s essential role in powering society and warned that government policies on the commodity could ultimately make the middle class disappear. He criticized President Biden’s green new deal, which he claims is causing oil prices to skyrocket, resulting in inflation with deadly consequences.

The author also criticized President Biden’s decision to withdraw from Afghanistan, which he believes has caused Saudi Arabia to join forces with Russia, driving up the price of oil.

Systemic Inflation and Capitalism

Kiyosaki has been increasingly highlighting the implications of rising inflation in the U.S. and blaming the Federal Reserve. He believes that the current inflation is systemic and has encouraged investors to take advantage of the situation before it becomes permanent. He has also noted that capitalism faces a threat due to inflation.

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Kiyosaki continues to advocate for investment in gold, silver, and Bitcoin (BTC), believing that these assets are the ideal cushion against the economic downturn.

The Sustainability of the U.S. Dollar

Kiyosaki has cast doubt on the sustainability of the U.S. dollar and warned that it could lose its status as the global reserve currency. He has referred to the dollar as “toilet paper” and projected that its extended reign as the world’s reserve currency might end.

Robert Kiyosaki’s opinions on the impact of inflation and green energy policies, the crucial role of oil, the sustainability of the U.S. dollar, and investment in gold, silver, and Bitcoin are noteworthy. While his views may be controversial, they raise important issues that deserve attention.

Alexander Stefanov

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