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Japanese Yen Weakens: Potential Rise in Bitcoin Reserves Expected

Japanese Yen Weakens: Potential Rise in Bitcoin Reserves Expected

The Federal Reserve's sustained high interest rates have severely weakened the Japanese Yen, positioning it among the weakest global currencies.

As Japan’s fiat currency struggles, more private firms, inspired by Metaplanet, may adopt a robust Bitcoin strategy by holding BTC in their reserves.

Today, the Japanese Yen dropped to ¥160.8 against the USD, its lowest since 1986. Surprisingly, currencies like the Turkish Lira, Argentine Peso, and Brazilian Real are proving more resilient.

Since mid-2020, the Yen has plummeted 34% against the USD, a concerning trend for a developed nation’s currency. Earlier this year, Japanese authorities intervened with $62 billion to support the Yen, but it continues to decline.

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Metaplanet, mirroring MicroStrategy, recently purchased $7 million worth of Bitcoin through a bond sale.

Financial analysts warn about the Bank of Japan’s monetary policies and Yen devaluation through excessive printing. Some suggest Japan should quietly accumulate Bitcoin as a hedge against currency devaluation.

Observers speculate if Japan will follow El Salvador’s lead in adopting a long-term Bitcoin strategy, potentially a significant step for the world’s fourth-largest economy.

Alexander Stefanov

Reporter at CoinsPress

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