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Julian Assange Receives Major Bitcoin Donation for Return to Australia

Julian Assange Receives Major Bitcoin Donation for Return to Australia

Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks founder, has received significant financial support to aid his return to Australia after a plea deal with US authorities.

His wife, Stella, had called for donations to cover a $520,000 debt to the Australian government for charter flights.

An anonymous donor contributed over 8 BTC (about $500,000), covering most of the needed funds. This donation was traced back to a CashApp deposit from February 2023. Additional fiat currency donations have raised over £300,000 ($380,000).

Stella explained that charter flights were necessary because Assange couldn’t use commercial airlines to travel to Saipan and then Australia. Assange is scheduled to stop in Saipan for a court appearance as part of his plea deal.

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Thanks to the financial support, primarily from the large Bitcoin donation, Assange is likely to clear his debts before arriving in Australia.

This situation highlights Bitcoin’s role in enabling rapid, large-scale support for high-profile causes. Following his court appearance in Saipan, Assange will travel to Canberra, marking the end of a lengthy legal battle.

Alexander Stefanov

Reporter at CoinsPress

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