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KuCoin Expands Portfolio with PYUSD Stablecoin Listing

KuCoin Expands Portfolio with PYUSD Stablecoin Listing

KuCoin, a leading cryptocurrency exchange, has recently added PayPal's PYUSD stablecoin to its roster, as revealed in a Friday announcement.

This development represents a noteworthy stride towards broadening the accessibility of this emerging stablecoin, positioned at the intersection of traditional finance and the world of cryptocurrencies.

In this latest inclusion, PYUSD now joins the esteemed company of various other cryptocurrencies already featured on KuCoin, a globally renowned crypto trading platform.

Prior to this, the stablecoin had secured placements on several other prominent exchanges, including Crypto.com, Bitstamp, and Coinbase.

The popular peer-to-peer payments app Venmo has also incorporated PYUSD into its ecosystem, enabling select Venmo users to seamlessly engage in PYUSD-related transactions such as purchases, transfers, and receipts.

However, it is worth noting that despite these recent listings, the stablecoin may not experience significant adoption in the immediate future. According to a report by Bank of America, PayPal’s PYUSD, while holding the potential to enhance payment efficiency and customer experiences, is not anticipated to witness substantial adoption in the short term.

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Analysts have pointed to challenges on the horizon for PYUSD, including heightened competition from central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and interest-bearing stablecoins, along with possible regulatory hurdles, especially if non-banking entities face restrictions in issuing stablecoins.

Within the cryptocurrency community, the stablecoin has come under scrutiny for concerns related to centralized control and potential vulnerabilities.

Alexander Stefanov

Reporter at CoinsPress

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