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Fundamental Analysis

Analyst Highlights Bullish Indicators for Bitcoin

Analyst Highlights Bullish Indicators for Bitcoin

In a recent chat with Scott Melker, Matthew Sigel, Head of Digital Assets at VanEck, expressed his renewed optimism about BTC based on some promising metrics.

Sigel explained, “I became bullish again on Tuesday after noticing several capitulation indicators, like realized losses by short-term holders surpassing $500 million—one of the top five amounts ever for Bitcoin. Additionally, BTC volatility hit 21 on a 30-day annualized basis, which is very low.”

The bullish signs Sigel identifies are realized losses, volatility, and drawdown. Realized losses indicate the difference between the buying and selling prices for BTC holders.

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Volatility measures how prices have fluctuated historically. Drawdown assesses how far BTC has dropped from its peak of $73,737 four months ago.

Sigel also noted potential for Ethereum (ETH), predicting it could surge by 4,225%. In a report earlier this month, VanEck set a base target for Ethereum at $22,000, a 518% increase from its current level, with the bull case suggesting even higher gains.

Alexander Stefanov

Reporter at CoinsPress

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