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Massive Shift Expected: Trillions to Move from Bonds to Bitcoin, Gold, and Stocks

Massive Shift Expected: Trillions to Move from Bonds to Bitcoin, Gold, and Stocks

Veteran macro investor Luke Gromen predicts a massive shift of trillions of dollars away from the US bond market into assets like Bitcoin (BTC), gold, and stocks.

In a recent Kitco NEWS interview, Gromen expressed concerns over the $130 trillion bond market, noting a growing apprehension among central banks worldwide about holding US Treasuries due to geopolitical risks.

He cited instances where the US government seized Treasuries belonging to countries like Russia, underscoring that Treasuries are no longer seen as risk-free.

Gromen anticipates that Treasury investors will increasingly divest from bonds in favor of assets perceived to offer higher growth potential.

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He argues that with the US government’s debt burden limiting its ability to raise interest rates, investors will find more value in stocks, Bitcoin, and gold.

According to him, the bond market’s realization of its vulnerabilities will drive a cycle of selling bonds and acquiring alternative assets, which could accelerate as conditions worsen.

Alexander Stefanov

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