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Metaplanet Expands Bitcoin Strategy with a Major Investment

Metaplanet Expands Bitcoin Strategy with a Major Investment

Metaplanet, a prominent Japanese investment firm, has launched a subsidiary in the British Virgin Islands (BVI) to strengthen its Bitcoin operations.

This subsidiary, approved by Metaplanet’s board, supports the company’s strategy of expanding and managing its growing Bitcoin holdings.

With initial investments totaling 1.45 billion yen and plans for an additional 1 billion yen purchase, Metaplanet aims to increase its Bitcoin reserves over time.

The BVI location was chosen to leverage global growth opportunities and benefit from favorable regulatory conditions.

Simultaneously, Metaplanet announced a $6.25 million investment in Bitcoin from a recent bond sale, alongside previous acquisitions totaling 141.07 BTC.

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The latest purchase on June 24 is expected to increase their Bitcoin holdings to over 200 BTC, valued at approximately $15 million.

These steps highlight Metaplanet’s proactive approach to integrating Bitcoin into its financial strategy as a significant asset.

Alexander Stefanov

Reporter at CoinsPress

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