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Mike Novogratz: Why AI, Not Crypto, Should be the Government’s Main Concern

Mike Novogratz: Why AI, Not Crypto, Should be the Government’s Main Concern

On March 28, Galaxy Digital conducted its Q4 2022 Shareholder Update Conference Call, during which CEO Mike Novogratz discussed various critical issues impacting the industry.

These issues included the collapse of FTX, the US banking crisis, and the mounting regulatory pressure on the cryptocurrency industry.

Novogratz provided valuable insights into the company’s strategic direction amidst the challenging landscape.

In the transcript, Novogratz expressed surprise at the regulatory scrutiny on the cryptocurrency industry instead of Artificial Intelligence (AI), which he argued posed a more significant threat to society. Despite the industry’s challenges, Novogratz remains optimistic about its potential to transform the financial world.

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During the call, Novogratz highlighted the potential dangers of deep fakes, warning that advances in AI technology could have serious implications for individuals and businesses.

Despite these challenges, Novogratz remains optimistic about the future of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, which he believes can help address some of the challenges posed by AI and revolutionize a wide range of industries.

Alexander Stefanov

Reporter at CoinsPress

Alex is an experienced finance journalist and a cryptocurrency and blockchain enthusiast. With over five years of experience covering the industry, he deeply understands the complex and constantly evolving world of digital assets. His insightful and thought-provoking articles provide readers with a clear picture of the latest developments and trends in the market. His passionate approach allows him to break down complex ideas into accessible and insightful content. Follow up on his content to be up to date with the most important trends and topics - stay ahead of the curve with CoinsPress.

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