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OKX Boosts Transparency in Crypto with Fifth Proof-of-Reserves Report

OKX Boosts Transparency in Crypto with Fifth Proof-of-Reserves Report

OKX, a global cryptocurrency exchange, has released its fifth proof-of-reserves (PoR) report as part of its effort to increase transparency in the industry.

According to OKX’s PoR report, the exchange holds $8.9 billion worth of Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and Tether (USDT), with reserve ratios of 103%, 103%, and 102%, respectively.

Lennix Lai, a managing director at OKX, stated that recent events in the industry have emphasized the need for “crypto-native solutions.”

Lai believes the FTX crisis had a silver lining: it motivated the industry to innovate in security and transparency.

He acknowledged that the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board has warned investors about PoRs, stating that these reports “don’t provide any meaningful assurance to investors or the public.” Despite this, companies in the crypto industry continue to make efforts toward transparency.

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Reportedly OKX will soon add zero-knowledge proof to its PoR. He noted that OKX’s new transparency mechanism maintains user privacy through a solution known as “splitting leaf nodes,” which splits and shuffles account liabilities.

Finally, Lai stated that transparency in the greater financial industry had become even more of a talking point following the crash of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB).

Alexander Stefanov

Reporter at CoinsPress

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