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Robert Kiyosaki Critiques Bitcoin ETFs, Stands Firm on BTC, Gold, and Silver Investments

Robert Kiyosaki Critiques Bitcoin ETFs, Stands Firm on BTC, Gold, and Silver Investments

Robert Kiyosaki, well-known for his bestselling book ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’, recently voiced his skepticism towards Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) on social media platform X.

Despite his optimism about Bitcoin itself, Kiyosaki criticized ETFs, including those linked to commodities like gold and silver, labeling them as ‘fake’. He argued that such investment vehicles could oversell underlying assets, questioning their integrity.

Emphasizing his continued support for Bitcoin, gold, and silver investments, Kiyosaki reiterated his belief in their long-term value while avoiding traditional banking systems.

He urged followers to consider these assets as alternatives to what he views as less secure currencies like the U.S. dollar.

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In recent market observations, Bitcoin has shown stability around $61,000 but has faced concerns due to potential large-scale sell-offs by entities such as Mt. Gox.

This has prompted speculation among traders, despite Bitcoin’s overall gains of approximately 45% since the start of 2024 and over 100% in the past year, indicating its resilience amidst market fluctuations.

Alexander Stefanov

Reporter at CoinsPress

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