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Softbank CEO Predicts AI Supremacy by 2035

Softbank CEO Predicts AI Supremacy by 2035

Masayoshi Son, Softbank's CEO, envisions artificial intelligence (AI) surpassing human intelligence by 2030, possibly reaching 10,000 times greater by 2035.

At the company’s recent Tokyo meeting, Son emphasized their focus on developing “artificial super intelligence” (ASI), which he believes will revolutionize society.

Differentiating between artificial general intelligence (AGI) and ASI, Son described AGI as potentially ten times smarter than humans, while ASI could be 10,000 times more advanced than the human brain.

Despite current scientific uncertainties about achieving such levels of AI, Son remains committed to pushing boundaries.

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Softbank’s stock saw a decline of over 3% following the meeting, reflecting mixed market reactions.

Son expressed a personal realization about his life’s purpose, stating his strong commitment to realizing ASI and advancing AI technologies through Softbank.

His vision highlights the company’s ambitious role in shaping the future of AI despite existing technological challenges.

Alexander Stefanov

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