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The Major Financial Crash Has Already Started – Robert Kiyosaki

The Major Financial Crash Has Already Started – Robert Kiyosaki

Robert Kiyosaki, the acclaimed investor and author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, has recently declared that the long-predicted major stock market crash has already begun.

In an interview with Daniela Cambone on ITM Trading, Kiyosaki emphasized his concerns about the bond markets and systemic corruption, suggesting that the financial system is in turmoil.

Kiyosaki, who has been a vocal critic of traditional financial investments, pointed out that the bond markets, often considered safe by financial planners, are failing due to underlying corruption. He highlighted that, according to his perspective, the economic collapse has already started, citing James Rickards’ view that the world has been in a depression since 2008.

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He also noted hidden financial issues, such as the bankruptcy of Credit Suisse, which he believes is not immediately visible to the public. Kiyosaki emphasized his belief in the value of gold, silver, and Bitcoin as secure investments amid this financial instability.

Kiyosaki further criticized U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris, labeling her as a “hardcore Marxist” who promotes harmful price controls. He expressed concern over the U.S. national debt, which he claims is $35 trillion officially and about $250 trillion when including off-balance-sheet obligations. He pointed out the enormous cost of managing this debt and the frequent printing of money as signs of financial instability.

To navigate the anticipated economic crash, Kiyosaki recommended investing in what he calls the “five Gs”: gold, food, real estate, gasoline, and firearms. He also continues to support alternative investments like lithium mines, carbon credits, silver, and cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Solana.

Alexander Stefanov

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