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Crime and Investigations

UK Judge Freezes $7.6 Million of Craig Wright’s Assets

UK Judge Freezes $7.6 Million of Craig Wright’s Assets

In the ongoing legal battle between Craig Wright and the Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA), UK Judge James Mellor has issued a significant ruling.

Judge Mellor has ordered the worldwide freezing of $7.6 million of Craig Wright’s assets to prevent him from moving funds offshore, potentially avoiding liabilities related to the case.

Craig Wright’s claims of being Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin, have been met with skepticism within the cryptocurrency community. Despite his efforts to substantiate his identity, including references to changes made in the Bitcoin white paper and software, Wright has faced criticism, particularly from Bitcoin developers who have pointed out inconsistencies in his arguments.

Judge Mellor’s decision to freeze Wright’s assets carries implications for both him and the broader cryptocurrency community. It marks a setback for Wright’s legal defense strategy and underscores the hurdles he must overcome in addressing COPA’s allegations.

READ MORE: British Columbia Moves to Seize QuadrigaCX Co-Founder’s Assets

In response to the asset freeze, Wright has taken steps such as transferring shares in his company, potentially in an effort to mitigate the impact of the ruling and protect his financial interests.

However, COPA remains vigilant about the possibility of asset dissipation, emphasizing the importance of ongoing oversight in the case.

Alexander Stefanov

Reporter at CoinsPress

Alex is an experienced finance journalist and a cryptocurrency and blockchain enthusiast. With over five years of experience covering the industry, he deeply understands the complex and constantly evolving world of digital assets. His insightful and thought-provoking articles provide readers with a clear picture of the latest developments and trends in the market. His passionate approach allows him to break down complex ideas into accessible and insightful content. Follow up on his content to be up to date with the most important trends and topics - stay ahead of the curve with CoinsPress.

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