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US Economic Warning Signs: Leading Index Points to Recession Risk

US Economic Warning Signs: Leading Index Points to Recession Risk

Amid widespread economic uncertainty, recent data from the United States Leading Economic Index (LEI) suggests a potential recession looming ahead.

The index, which tracks critical indicators like labor market trends, manufacturing activity, and financial market performance, has plummeted by 14.7% from its recent peak in the current economic cycle. This decline, reported by Global Markets Investor on X platform, echoes historical patterns where similar drops have historically preceded economic downturns dating back over six decades.

Standing at 101.20, the current LEI level reflects a stark departure from previous highs, signaling possible economic contraction ahead. Past instances of such declines have consistently coincided with or heralded recessions, including periods like the early ’80s, ’90s, early 2000s, and the 2008 financial crisis.

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In addition to the LEI, other economic indicators also indicate troubling signs. Reports highlight a surge in permanent job losses in the US, historically linked to economic downturns since 1995.

Furthermore, the Federal Reserve’s model using the US Treasury yield curve suggests a 52% probability of an economic downturn within the coming year, urging caution despite a slight decrease from a peak of 71% in May 2023. These indicators collectively underscore the ongoing fragility and potential risks facing the US economy.

Alexander Stefanov

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