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US Supreme Court Ends SEC’s Broad Crypto Oversight with Chevron Doctrine Repeal

US Supreme Court Ends SEC’s Broad Crypto Oversight with Chevron Doctrine Repeal

The crypto community is celebrating the US Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the Chevron doctrine, which allowed federal agencies like the SEC broad powers in interpreting laws.

This 6-3 ruling is seen as ending unjust regulatory overreach, particularly criticized in the SEC’s handling of crypto.

Mike Cagney of Figure Markets highlighted the shift, noting it gives courts, not regulators, the final say in legal interpretations, crucial for clarity in the industry.

Austin Campbell from Columbia Business School agreed, seeing it enhance legal certainty despite potential challenges for Congress.

Economist Timothy Peterson welcomed the ruling for limiting SEC’s unilateral power over Bitcoin regulations, anticipating fairer rules.

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FOX Business’s Eleanor Terrett clarified the ruling’s impact, raising doubts over SEC’s crypto oversight without explicit Congressional authorization.

Despite support from the crypto sector, critics like Senator Elizabeth Warren see it as a move benefiting corporate interests at the expense of consumer protection, echoing concerns raised by President Biden’s administration.

Alexander Stefanov

Reporter at CoinsPress

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