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Vitalik Buterin Critiques Cryptocurrency Regulation and Offers Solutions

Vitalik Buterin Critiques Cryptocurrency Regulation and Offers Solutions

Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum, recently voiced frustration with current cryptocurrency regulations and proposed a potential solution.

In a discussion on Warpcast, a social media platform on Farcaster, Buterin criticized how existing regulations often penalize legitimate cryptocurrency developers.

He highlighted the paradox where projects offering vague promises and uncertain returns operate freely, while those providing transparency about potential profits and user rights risk being classified as securities.

This, according to Buterin, creates an unfavorable environment worse than outright chaos or stringent control.

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He also proposed practical measures to curb ineffective cryptocurrencies, including stricter limits on leverage, mandatory audits, and transparent reporting.

Although implementing cryptocurrency knowledge tests remains unclear at the regulatory level, Buterin believes these steps could improve accountability and reduce fraud in the industry.

However, Buterin noted that achieving effective regulations requires genuine collaboration between regulators and industry participants, emphasizing the need for balanced and proactive engagement to foster a healthier cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Alexander Stefanov

Reporter at CoinsPress

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