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AI vs. Climate Change: Which Poses a Greater Risk?

AI vs. Climate Change: Which Poses a Greater Risk?

Geoffrey Hinton, a renowned AI pioneer, recently expressed his concerns about the potential threat posed by artificial intelligence (AI) to humanity, suggesting that it could be even more urgent than climate change.

Hinton, who co-authored a groundbreaking paper on neural networks in 1986 and received the Turing Award in 2018, emphasized the need to address the risks associated with AI without influencing his former employer, Alphabet (GOOGL.O), from which he recently resigned.

Hinton’s remarks reflect the growing apprehension among tech leaders regarding the possibility of AI surpassing human intelligence and assuming control over the world.

He acknowledged that climate change is also a significant risk and should not be undermined. However, he believes that the potential consequences of advanced AI warrant immediate attention.

Hinton stated that while tackling climate change involves a relatively clear solution to reducing carbon emissions, addressing the risks associated with advanced AI is far less straightforward. He suggested that determining the appropriate course of action in this context remains uncertain.

The development and deployment of AI technologies have gained significant momentum, with OpenAI’s AI-powered chatbot, ChatGPT, rapidly gaining popularity. In response to concerns raised by industry experts, including Elon Musk, about the dangers of highly powerful AI systems, a call was made for a pause in research and development.

Hinton, however, disagreed with the notion of halting progress and emphasized the need to dedicate substantial resources to understand and mitigate the existential risks associated with AI.

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The European Union responded to the concerns expressed by industry leaders by proposing regulations targeting generative AI, which would require companies like OpenAI to disclose copyrighted materials used in training their models.

Additionally, U.S. President Joe Biden engaged in discussions with AI company leaders, acknowledging the importance of transparency in AI systems.

Hinton emphasized that collaboration between tech leaders and policymakers is crucial, as the implications of AI affect everyone. Addressing the risks and implications of AI requires a collective effort and careful consideration from all stakeholders.

Source: Reuters

Alexander Stefanov

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