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Apple’s Storage of Bitcoin White Paper Sparks Copyright Controversy

Apple’s Storage of Bitcoin White Paper Sparks Copyright Controversy

Craig Wright, a computer scientist claiming to be Bitcoin's creator, has suggested that Apple may be violating copyright laws.

Wright answered in the affirmative to a question on Twitter about whether Apple was breaching copyright by storing the Bitcoin white paper on its computers.

It was recently discovered that the explanatory paper of the largest cryptocurrency was stored on Apple machines without the knowledge of many Mac users.

Wright has previously claimed that spin-offs derived from Bitcoin are in breach of his intellectual property rights, as he alleges that he is the original creator of the blockchain.

However, he has been criticized for not having the proof to support his claim. Wright has not responded to whether he intends to sue Apple for copyright infringement.

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He is a supporter of Bitcoin SV, which split from Bitcoin Cash in November 2018 and is currently in the process of suing 15 Bitcoin developers to retrieve around 111,000 BTC after losing the encrypted keys to access them.

In February of this year, Wright lost a claim in a UK court to protect the Bitcoin blockchain by copyright. Despite this, Wright continues to assert that he is the pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto.

Alexander Stefanov

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