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Bink Loyalty App Closes Operations Amid Funding Challenges

Bink Loyalty App Closes Operations Amid Funding Challenges

Bink, a loyalty app previously backed by major banks like Barclays and Lloyds Banking Group, has closed its operations due to funding difficulties.

Originally, Bink gained traction with a significant partnership with Barclays in 2019, resulting in a substantial investment from the bank and access to its vast customer base.

This was followed by an additional investment from Lloyds Banking Group in March 2022.

Despite receiving £9 million in funding from parent company Loyalty Angels and existing investors in March 2023, which was expected to sustain operations until early 2024, the startup faced challenges.

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These challenges included the resignation of chairman Bob Wigley and various cost-cutting measures due to financial losses.

As efforts to secure fresh funding proved unsuccessful, the company had to appoint liquidators for an organized closure.

Consequently, all 45 employees were laid off as the company ceased its operations last month.

Alexander Stefanov

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