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CBDC: Central Banks Ramp Up Digital Currency Exploration

CBDC: Central Banks Ramp Up Digital Currency Exploration

Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) are something that central banks are increasingly looking into, BIS’ most recent survey shows.

The document revealed a sharp rise in CBDC-related trials, with proof of concept projects increasing by 35% and CBDC pilots tripling compared to the year before.

Different approaches have been taken by central banks on CBDCs and they are thinking over various design features. Eighty-three institutions, constituting slightly over one-third of all central banks were sampled in the survey with twenty-eight from advanced economies and fifty-eight from developing ones.

According to the findings, more than half of central banks (54%) are involved in proofs of concept or other related technologies while about one third is running a pilot program for a CBDC.

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Wholesale CBDC proof of concept studies account for 81% among advanced economies and 33% piloted this change up from 60% and 10% respectively over the previous period. In contrast, fewer emerging-market central banks have been involved in such activities as a third has some sort of proof-of-concept process underway only and only 19 percent run pilots—a little changed figure from last year.

The adoption of stablecoins remains low despite growing interest in CBDCs. Cryptocurrencies had a market cap worth $2.7 trillion as at May 2024 with stablecoins making up just under $161 billion –6%.

Alexander Stefanov

Reporter at CoinsPress

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