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Dollar’s Global Reserve Status at Risk Amid Looming Debt Crisis

Dollar’s Global Reserve Status at Risk Amid Looming Debt Crisis

A leading economist from the world's largest credit ratings agency suggests that the global reserve currency status of the US dollar is currently undergoing a gradual decline.

Paul Gruenwald, the Chief Economist at Standard and Poor’s Global (S&P), recently spoke at a conference in London and stated that the dollar’s influence is not as strong as it used to be.

Gruenwald mentioned that due to the US imposing aggressive sanctions on Russia in response to their conflict, various countries have started exploring alternative currencies for trade instead of relying solely on the dollar. Some nations are also increasing their gold reserves. This shift indicates a growing “fragmentation around the edges” of the dollar’s dominance as other currencies, like the Chinese yuan, gain traction in international trade.

The economist acknowledged that the US dollar will remain a prominent world currency, but its dominant position is likely to diminish over time. This sentiment is echoed by former House Speaker Paul Ryan, who expressed concern over the US government’s increasing debt, potentially jeopardizing the dollar’s status as the primary global reserve currency.

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Ryan pointed out that the country is heading towards a debt crisis, and failure to address this issue could harm the dollar’s standing as the world’s leading reserve currency. By not taking appropriate measures to tackle the growing debt problem, the US leadership might be inadvertently pushing the dollar closer to losing its current status.

In summary, experts are observing a gradual shift away from the US dollar as the unrivaled global reserve currency, with other currencies gaining prominence in international trade and economic transactions. The US government’s handling of its debt situation adds further uncertainty to the dollar’s future role in the global financial landscape.

Alexander Stefanov

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