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Ethereum Developers Propose Gas Limit Increase

Ethereum Developers Propose Gas Limit Increase

Ethereum developers Eric Connor and Mariano Conti have proposed increasing the gas limit on the Ethereum network from 30 million to 40 million.

Their primary goal is to reduce high transaction costs on the network’s layer 1.

The proposed adjustment could potentially decrease transaction costs by 15% to 33%. Alongside raising the gas limit, the proposal includes other changes like increasing the blob count and implementing EIP-7623 to enhance transaction efficiency and affordability.

In response, Connor and Conti have launched the “pump the gas” campaign to garner support from the Ethereum community.

They urge solo stakers, client teams, staking pools, and all Ethereum ecosystem members to advocate for the proposed changes.

The campaign offers a dedicated website with detailed explanations and actionable steps to increase awareness and engagement.

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The proposal has sparked discussions among Ethereum stakeholders, with considerations about the impact on node operators and network scalability.

Despite concerns, there is a consensus on the need to address high transaction costs.

Ongoing vigilance and monitoring of network optimization efforts are deemed necessary to ensure Ethereum’s operational efficiency improves in a balanced manner.

Alexander Stefanov

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