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FTX Claim Sale Nets CoinShares 116% Return

FTX Claim Sale Nets CoinShares 116% Return

CoinShares, a digital asset investment firm, has announced the successful sale of its claim against FTX.

The deal, pending standard closing conditions, will yield a recovery rate of 116% after broker fees, resulting in a substantial $39.6 million return on a $33.6 million claim.

This transaction significantly bolsters CoinShares‘ financial flexibility, enabling reinvestment in growth opportunities and strengthening its market position.

CEO Jean-Marie Mognetti highlighted the favorable recovery rate, attributing it to the team’s diligence and expertise.

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The resolution of the FTX situation marks a positive outcome amidst bankruptcy concerns, with creditors expected to recover their funds.

However, objections have arisen from some FTX customers, who argue against the planned distribution of assets. The FTX Customers Ad Hoc Committee has voiced dissent, advocating for the return of their cryptocurrency instead of cash payments.

Alexander Stefanov

Reporter at CoinsPress

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