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Nations Seek Alternatives to Dollar Amidst Sanctions and Currency Fragmentation

Nations Seek Alternatives to Dollar Amidst Sanctions and Currency Fragmentation

The executive director for Russia at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) highlights that certain countries being barred from the global payments system has led many nations to seek an alternative currency.

The US and its allies’ utilization of economic and financial sanctions against Russia for its involvement in Ukraine is viewed as a means of punishment.

These sanctions, imposed in March 2022, froze approximately $300 billion of Russian reserves and severed Russian banks from SWIFT, a cross-border payment system dominated by the dollar and the euro.

According to the IMF official, the application of sanctions as a tool results in a more fragmented global economy. This dollar weaponization has prompted several nations to explore alternatives when conducting international trade, thereby bypassing the American currency.

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Iran, Brazil, and Saudi Arabia are already observed to be transitioning to yuan for trade with both China and other countries.

Recent reports have indicated that China has secured agreements with numerous countries to settle global trades valued at $582.3 billion in yuan, aiming to circumvent the dollar.

Furthermore, the CEO of Russia’s second-largest bank has suggested that the yuan could potentially surpass the dollar, considering China’s efforts to relax its currency restrictions.

Alexander Stefanov

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