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Revolut Introduces ‘Wealth Protection’ for Enhanced In-App Security

Revolut Introduces ‘Wealth Protection’ for Enhanced In-App Security

Revolut has introduced a new in-app identity verification feature called 'Wealth Protection' to enhance security for customers in case of phone theft or compromised passwords and facial recognition.

This feature, once activated, verifies the user’s identity against the selfie ID taken during their initial Revolut sign-up.

Unlike many banking apps that rely solely on a single biometric authentication built into mobile devices, Revolut’s new feature adds an extra layer of protection.

This is crucial because if a thief gains access to the phone, they can change the fingerprint or facial recognition settings.

The Wealth Protection feature requires users to opt-in and can be activated for their savings accounts.

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According to Revolut’s head of financial crime, phone thefts are on the rise, with a phone stolen every six minutes in London.

The new security measure aims to counteract this by providing an extra layer of security, ensuring that customers’ hard-earned savings are more secure even if their phone is lost or stolen.



Alexander Stefanov

Reporter at CoinsPress

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