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Surging Interest Rates Unleash Loan Losses on Major Banks

Surging Interest Rates Unleash Loan Losses on Major Banks

The largest American banks are experiencing significant financial impacts due to the recent surge in interest rates, resulting in substantial losses from defaulted loans.

According to a report by the Financial Times, major banks like JPMorgan Chase and Capital One have collectively incurred a substantial loss of $18.9 billion during the second quarter of this year due to loans going bad.

These financial institutions are encountering higher-than-usual levels of “charge-offs,” signifying loans that are no longer viable and have become irrecoverable. The rate of these charge-offs has escalated by 17% compared to the previous quarter and an even more significant 75% when compared to the figures from 2022.

During a recent earnings call, Capital One’s CEO, Richard Fairbank, acknowledged the unique credit environment the US has undergone, which notably favored borrowers. Fairbank emphasized that consequences were to be expected, given this unusual context.

Fairbank remarked, “We should bear in mind that the remarkable credit performance we witnessed over the past three years was unparalleled… Therefore, we anticipate a balancing effect to occur, particularly for consumers who might have otherwise faced charge-offs throughout these past three years.”

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Anticipating a continuation of the rise of loan defaults, banks are proactively making preparations for increased losses. They have already allocated substantial reserves to $21.5 billion to cover potential future losses.

These latest statistics concerning loan defaults follow Moody’s decision to downgrade the ratings of 10 regional banks. The credit agency is also evaluating the possibility of downgrading several more prominent lenders due to concerns over potential deposit withdrawals and diminishing profitability.

Alexander Stefanov

Reporter at CoinsPress

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