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Survey Uncovers Widespread Fears Over Bank Deposits in the US

Survey Uncovers Widespread Fears Over Bank Deposits in the US

Gallup recently conducted a survey revealing that approximately 50% of Americans are experiencing anxiety regarding the safety of their bank deposits due to the growing instability in the industry.

The survey found that 48% of respondents expressed worry about the funds they have deposited in banks or other financial institutions.

Among those concerned about their deposits, 19% stated being “very worried,” while 29% claimed to be “moderately worried.”

On the other hand, the remaining 50% of participants seemed less apprehensive. Around 30% of those surveyed reported being “not too worried,” and 20% stated that they were “not worried at all.”

The survey was conducted from April 3rd to 25th following the high-profile collapses of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank. However, it should be noted that the downfall of First Republic, another major US bank, occurred after the completion of the poll.

Interestingly, these results mirror those of a similar poll conducted during the 2008 banking crisis:

“In light of recent notable bank failures in the United States, approximately 50% of Americans are expressing concerns about the safety of their funds held in banks or other financial institutions.

This level of worry aligns with the anxiety observed during the 2008 financial crisis, which saw the collapse of financial institutions previously deemed ‘too big to fail.”

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Nonetheless, the survey highlights the uncertainty surrounding whether Americans’ concerns about their personal accounts stem from a lack of awareness regarding the up to $250,000 insurance coverage provided by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) or if the bank failures themselves signify weaknesses within the industry that could potentially jeopardize the FDIC’s stability:

“It remains unclear whether the increased anxiety among Americans about their own deposits stems from a lack of knowledge regarding the protections offered by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or from their fear of a cascading effect that could endanger federal insurance as a whole.”

Alexander Stefanov

Reporter at CoinsPress

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