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Tether Unveils $1 Billion Investment Plan in AI & Biotech Sectors

Tether Unveils $1 Billion Investment Plan in AI & Biotech Sectors

Once again, the stablecoin giant Tether has caught everyone’s attention. This time, it is for the incredible news about its plans to enter AI and biotech.

Paolo Ardoino, the CEO of the company, disclosed an ambitious investment plan which will see Tether Holdings Inc., its investment arm, spend more than $1 billion in these two sectors within the next year.

During the announcement, Ardoino also talked about how they intend to invest. Their main aim will be to support new businesses while at the same time looking into other financial systems besides AI and biotech inventions.

Ardoino added that they are looking forward to a future where people are not too dependent on big companies like Google and Microsoft through such disruptive investments in technologies which has already received over $2B from Tether.

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In addition to its stablecoin business, some recent moves made by Tether include investing $200 million into Blackrock Neurotech – a competitor of Elon Musk’s Neuralink – among others.

Infrastructure solutions have become another area into which the organization has diversified; covering fields related to data management, financial services provision and even electricity generation for example schools.

Described as having made profits of $4.52 billion during Q1 2024 we can expect further development as well creativity from Ardoino shared insights with us all.

Alexander Stefanov

Reporter at CoinsPress

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