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Tornado Cash: Co-Founder Hints at Revival Despite Controversy

Tornado Cash: Co-Founder Hints at Revival Despite Controversy

One of the co-founders of SpankChain and Reflex Labs has hinted at a potential return of the Ethereum transaction mixer, Tornado Cash.

Ameen Soleimani referred to Moloch DAO’s involvement in the project’s development through a tweet, stating that there was more to come.

Tornado Cash is a transaction mixing protocol that uses various methods to obscure the source of cryptocurrencies. Still, its activities have attracted widespread scrutiny from regulators due to fears of money laundering.

In 2020, the US Office of Foreign Assets Control accused Tornado Cash of enabling Lazarus, a North Korea-linked hacking group, to launder money.

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Alexey Pertsev, the developer of Tornado Cash, was arrested by Dutch authorities last summer and is still in custody, awaiting trial in April.

According to a report from 2022, $2.4 billion in Ethereum were laundered through Tornado Cash.

Alexander Stefanov

Reporter at CoinsPress

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