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Warren Buffett’s Reassuring Words on the Future of the U.S. Dollar

Warren Buffett’s Reassuring Words on the Future of the U.S. Dollar

The global community is witnessing a significant shift in the role of the US dollar as the world's reserve currency, a phenomenon known as de-dollarization.

Recent developments have prompted influential CEOs and investors to ponder two critical questions. Firstly, there is a debate about whether the Federal Reserve should adjust its rate hike policy, which was implemented last year to combat persistent inflation amid an economic slowdown.

This question intertwines with the second query: whether the US dollar is gradually losing its status as the dominant global reserve currency, a position it has held since the conclusion of World War II.

These concerns arise from noteworthy events, such as reports suggesting that Russia is contemplating the use of China’s yuan for its international trade. Additionally, discussions have emerged regarding Saudi Arabia, a key US ally, potentially invoicing its oil exports to China in yuan. The momentum of change has accelerated, with France purportedly exploring the possibility of purchasing gas from China using yuan. Moreover, Brazil and China are reportedly considering reducing their reliance on the US dollar in their bilateral trade relations.

Speculations and Proposals for a New Reserve Currency

Such developments have fueled speculations regarding the demise of the US dollar, with some headlines even proposing that the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) are contemplating the creation of a new reserve currency. Furthermore, India appears to be initiating trades settled in rupees.

These reports collectively indicate that the de-dollarization of the global economic stage is underway. Those who lean toward this viewpoint argue that the US dollar, once the preferred currency for world trade and finance, is losing its preeminence.

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Critics of President Joe Biden’s administration and conservatives are particularly vocal in predicting the inevitable decline of the US dollar on the global stage. The foundation of this narrative lies in the historical context of the US economy, which accounted for nearly half of the world’s gross domestic product (GDP) in the aftermath of World War II.

Warren Buffett’s Perspective on De-dollarization

During Berkshire Hathaway’s shareholders’ meeting, Warren Buffett, the esteemed investor, addressed concerns about the future of the US dollar as the global reserve currency.

Buffett responded directly, expressing his lack of concern regarding other nations’ attempts to reduce their reliance on the US dollar. He firmly believed that there is no viable alternative to replace the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

Furthermore, he emphasized the importance of maintaining public confidence in the value of their savings, as an overabundance of printed money risks eroding such trust.

He acknowledged that exceptional circumstances, such as the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, had led to the need for stimulus packages and resulted in an imbalance between supply and demand, ultimately driving inflation to its highest levels in decades. The Federal Reserve has responded by raising interest rates, previously near zero during the pandemic, in an attempt to curb rising prices of goods and services.

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Like Buffett, some experts, including Ian Bremmer, founder and president of Eurasia Group, believe that the US dollar is far from losing its status as the world’s reserve currency due to the absence of a viable alternative.


Despite China’s aspirations, the yuan is unlikely to replace the dollar since China still lacks the necessary investor protections, institutional quality, and capital-market openness required for the internationalization of its currency.

In conclusion, the global discourse surrounding de-dollarization and the potential decline of the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency has gained attention. However, influential figures like Warren Buffett maintain confidence in the US dollar’s position, emphasizing the lack of a viable alternative.

While concerns about inflation and excessive money printing persist, the future of the US dollar as the dominant global reserve currency remains a subject of ongoing debate and analysis.

Alexander Stefanov

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