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Ripple CTO Falls Victim to Phishing Scam Amid Anti-Scam Initiative Launch

Ripple CTO Falls Victim to Phishing Scam Amid Anti-Scam Initiative Launch

David Schwartz, CTO of Ripple, revealed on social media that he fell victim to a sophisticated phishing scam.

The scam involved the fraudulent opening of a support case with Apple, utilizing genuine Apple emails and web pages in SMS messages to deceive Schwartz into surrendering control of his Apple ID.

Despite the attempt, Schwartz remained cautious and did not succumb to the scammers due to their poor grammar in the SMS messages.

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The incident coincided with Ripple’s launch of an anti-scam initiative in partnership with Meta (formerly Facebook) and major cryptocurrency exchanges like Coinbase, aiming to combat fraudulent activities in the tech industry.

Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse emphasized the importance of collective action to eradicate scams from the tech ecosystem.

Alexander Stefanov

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